As part of NMMU’s Vision 2020 our aim is to create and sustain an environment that encourages, supports and rewards a vibrant research, scholarship and innovation  culture. To achieve this, the following goals have been set:

  • To establish and expand research and innovation partnerships, collaborations, networks and linkages nationally and internationally.
  • To identify and develop institutional research themes.
  • To promote the commercialisation of research outcomes in the form of products, processes and services.
  • To provide an enabling policy and funding framework to improve research quality and productivity.
  • To increase and diversify external and internal financial resources available to support research-related activities.
  • To provide appropriate research and innovation infrastructure and support.
  • To promote, recognise, and reward research and innovation excellence.
  • To attract, nurture and develop research potential.
  • To attract and retain research talent.
  • To provide support to emerging researchers, postgraduate students and postdoctoral fellows to become research active.
  • To create a culture of research in undergraduate students.
  • To enhance and improve the equity and gender and age profile of researchers.
  • To grow the pool of rated researchers.
  • To enhance and foster the scholarships of teaching, learning and engagement.
  • To enhance and promote research responsiveness.


Engagement is the process of transferring, applying and shaping the university's knowledge and resources with those of the broader community (both internal and external) to

  • enrich scholarship, research and creative activity
  • enhance teaching and learning
  • strengthen democratic values and civic responsibility
  • contribute to public good and transformation
  • and to enhance social, economic and ecological sustainability.